- Item Type: Books
- Item Type: Books
Shaʻare Binyamin
Shaʻare Binyamin (Gates of Benjamin). Binyamin Zeʼev ben David. Żółkiew: Bi-defus Gershon ben Hayim David Segal, David ben Menahem Man ve-Hayim David ben Aharon Segal, ca. 1752.
Żółkiew was one of the three major centers of Hebrew printing in…
Żółkiew was one of the three major centers of Hebrew printing in…
Shirim Ahadim
Shirim Ahadim (A Few Poems). Casas, Elijah. Leipzig: K. B. Lork, 1857.
Born in Armyansk, Crimea, Elijah ben Elia Kasas (1832–1912) was a Karaite scholar and director of a Karaite cantorial school in Eupatoria. One of the few Karaite contributors…
Born in Armyansk, Crimea, Elijah ben Elia Kasas (1832–1912) was a Karaite scholar and director of a Karaite cantorial school in Eupatoria. One of the few Karaite contributors…
Omek Halakhah
Omek Halakhah (The Depths of Halakhah). Koppelman, Jacob ben Samuel Bunim, 1555-1594.Amsterdam: Tsevi Hirsh b. ha-r. R. Gershon, ca. 1709.
This profusely illustrated work by Rabbi Jacob ben Samuel Bunim Koppelman examines a number of different…
This profusely illustrated work by Rabbi Jacob ben Samuel Bunim Koppelman examines a number of different…
Perushim le-Rashi (Sefer Kanizal.)
Perushim le-Rashi (Sefer Kanizal.) Supercommentaries to Rashi’s Commentary on the Pentateuch by Shemuel Almosnino, Ya’akov Kanizal, Aharon Abulrabi, Moshe Albelda et al. Istanbul (Constantinople), ca. 1525.
This extremely rare work consists…
This extremely rare work consists…
Mateh Dan: ha-Kuzari ha-Sheni
Mateh Dan: ha-Kuzari ha-Sheni. Nieto, David. London; Thomas Ilive, c. 1714.
Rabbi of the Bevis Marks Synagogue and one of the major intellectual forces in 18th-century Jewish life in London, David Nieto (born in Venice in 1654, died in London in…
Rabbi of the Bevis Marks Synagogue and one of the major intellectual forces in 18th-century Jewish life in London, David Nieto (born in Venice in 1654, died in London in…
Sefer ha-Noten Imre Shefer
Sefer ha-Noten Imre Shefer:Derashot ‘al ha-Torah. Elijah ben Hayyim, 1530?-1610? Frankfurt am Main: Johann Kellner, c. 1713.
Rabbi Elijah ibn Hayyim was known as Maharanah or Morenu ha-Rav ibn Hayyim. He was born in Adrianople and in about 1575…
Rabbi Elijah ibn Hayyim was known as Maharanah or Morenu ha-Rav ibn Hayyim. He was born in Adrianople and in about 1575…
Sefer mishpate shevuot
Sefer Mishpete Shevuʻot (The Laws of Shavuoth). Hai ben Sherira. Hamburg: Moshe von Segal, ca. 1782.
This volume was written by Rabbi Hai ben Sherira (939-1038), who was also known as Hai Gaon, a sage best known for having served as the head of…
This volume was written by Rabbi Hai ben Sherira (939-1038), who was also known as Hai Gaon, a sage best known for having served as the head of…
Shomer Emunim
Sefer Shomer Emunim (Keeper of the Faithful). Ergas, Joseph ben Emanuel, 1685-1730. Amsterdam: ʻImanuʾel ve-Avraham Irgas, ca. 1736.
Joseph ben Emanuel Ergas was a prominent rabbi and kabbalist of possibly Marrano descent from Livorno, Italy. His…
Joseph ben Emanuel Ergas was a prominent rabbi and kabbalist of possibly Marrano descent from Livorno, Italy. His…
Sod Yesharim
Sod Yesharim. Modena, Leone, 1571-1648. Venice: Danielle Zanetti, c. 1599.
100 remedies and amulets and 50 riddles by Italian scholar, rabbi, and poet Leone Modena, a rationalist who opposed mysticism and kabbalism.
100 remedies and amulets and 50 riddles by Italian scholar, rabbi, and poet Leone Modena, a rationalist who opposed mysticism and kabbalism.
Kehunat Abraham
Kehunat Abraham (Abraham's Priesthood), Abraham ben Shabbetai Cohen of Zante, Venice, 1719.
Poems, based on the Hebrew Psalms, written by Abraham ben Shabbetai, born in 1670 in Crete, when the island was ruled by Venice. Like many fellow Jews,…
Poems, based on the Hebrew Psalms, written by Abraham ben Shabbetai, born in 1670 in Crete, when the island was ruled by Venice. Like many fellow Jews,…